who we are

1. The Bible
2. God
3. Father
4. Son
5. Holy Spirit
6. Salvation
7. The Church
1. THE BIBLE - We believe that the Bible is God's Word, that it was written...
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core values
God Is Worthy of Worship
The primary reason we gather together is to worship God for who he is and to thank him for the many blessings he's given us. We praise him for creation, through which we see his beauty, goodness and wisdom. We honor him because he is all powerful and all knowing. We thank him for his amazing grace and love which was best demonstrated when he sent his Son to become a man and take the punishment for our sin, so that we could have eternal life. We gather to celebrate God in authentic worship.Jesus Christ is Lord of All
Ultimate joy and purpose in life cannot be realized until a person has a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord. Jesus said, "I have come...
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We are an independent church and proud to be associated with these groups.serving opportunities
Here are a few areas of service available for you and your family.- Food Bank
- Kitchen/Coffee Help
Do You Fit?
our team

Pastor Thomas Yarrington
Thomas is serving as Lead Pastor/Elder
Wednesdays 6:30pm - 8:00pm
His Kids Ministry
Children Ministry — "His Kids" — Toddlers thru 6th grade.Online Giving
There is now an opportunity for you to give to Turning Point Church. If you are unable to attend church services over an extended amount of time— this is meant to be a convenience to you.