

To join a small group, please click the green
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TPC Small Groups

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42

We believe small groups are an effective way to encourage and strengthen one another as we grow in our relationship with each other and God. Our Sunday morning meetings provide a time of corporate worship, teaching, and general announcements. To truly connect with other members at Turning Point, we encourage participation in any of our home fellowship groups.

We have groups located all over the Lacey and Olympia area meeting at various times, or we can help you host or lead your own. Some groups have parents with young kids, grandparents, couples, and singles. Safe to say, everyone is welcome to come and participate in the community of Jesus. While each group is a little different, all our groups have a time of fellowship, prayer, study, and encouragement.

For more information on joining, leading our hosting a small groups, please click the contact us button and let us know your questions and how best to connect!